Long-term Decisions - R Bennett

GREATER TORONTO AREA ---------------------------

Long-term Decisions - R Bennett 

July 30, 2023



Rod & Marie Savage Bennett

Son Jordan Bennett with wife Amy Toms & three children 

Remaining in Greater Toronto area long-term 2023-2040 / 2024+ 

Amy Toms family: Carleton Place & Ottawa 

Karen (Toms family) outside of Victoria British Columbia 

Jordans family & extended spread across Canada mainly, parts of USA & Australia 


Extended European family connected to Dr Nicolas R Bennett (Syd)

Nicolas is going to be living in the Mediterranean permanently as per plans due to the June 1, 2023 deal & lack of North American negotiations over H.I.3

Nicolas joins daughter Madison August 2023 in her 18th year going on age 38 September 1

DOCUMENTARY - NEWS -------------------------------

Passive Aggressive People


Yatching. Theory 



Rothschild - Bennett


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