Operating Groups - H.I.3

OPERATING GROUPS -----------------------------

July 31, 2023 ------------------------------------------

M.S.P Modern Separatist Group -------------

Decide & conquer separatist control group operating as a shadow global group in each continent & country

Dangerous ruthless underworld groups connecting with those in organizations, Corporations - companies - brands, areas of Government, trade & banking + global trade imports & exports operating in an advanced way 

Designed to operate covertly in secret while maintaining a public status quo 

Control over population numbers & all countries on earth with from the inside out & trade 

Murder City Gang ------------------------------------

Legal & underworld group operating together against groups & neuro-tech labs revoking rights, privacy & control over bodies specifically

Public & covert private shadow presence in organizations, Corporations - companies - brands, areas of Government, trade & banking + global trade imports & exports operating in an advanced way 

Bevarian Masonic illuminati ---------------------

Private separate Elitest group of investors connected to Freemasonry & Royal-Elite families

The Commonwealth Group International -

Bevarian Sect investment group 


Rothschild - Bennett 


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