
Showing posts from July, 2023

Request to Justin Trudeau

H.I.3 RESOLUTION - JULY 31, 2023 Request to Justin Trudeau  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Could the elected Prime Minister or someone connected assist between their busy schedule in cargo flight moving a few Neuro-Tech devices please? As people privately outside of their busy public life careers  It's just some brain research equipment from some experients that went to far in the wrong direction. Nothing to crazy  REQUEST FROM DR SYDNEY BENNETT -------- Could some inquire please. I, Dr Nicolas R Bennett understand busy schedules & concerns over the situation as I had daily netween 1990's-2023 We feel the devices should be unmanned & stored in a military grade vault on our own private property under Cypress International Biotechnology polices, standards & international law  The costs will be covered through CIG & private interests  Prime Minister Elect - Justin Trudeau ---------- Parli...

Last Final Edit - July 31, 2023

Operating Groups - H.I.3

OPERATING GROUPS ----------------------------- July 31, 2023 ------------------------------------------ M.S.P Modern Separatist Group ------------- Decide & conquer separatist control group operating as a shadow global group in each continent & country Dangerous ruthless underworld groups connecting with those in organizations, Corporations - companies - brands, areas of Government, trade & banking + global trade imports & exports operating in an advanced way  Designed to operate covertly in secret while maintaining a public status quo  Control over population numbers & all countries on earth with from the inside out & trade  Murder City Gang ------------------------------------ Legal & underworld group operating together against groups & neuro-tech labs revoking rights, privacy & control over bodies specifically Public & covert private shadow presence in organizations, Corporations - companies - brands, areas of Government...

Introduction - H.I.3

READ EVERYTHING ------------------------------------- Introduction - H.I.3  July 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The global M.S.P take over covertly operating in secret while maintaining a public status quo 2-5 billion population agenda down from 8+ billion (2023) by 2025 controlled  M.S.P representatives & groups plus sub groups connecting include people that could look like anyone in plain sight not unlike the KKK & different targets than KKK The Hard Right Wing  The Ku Klux Klan (/ˌkuː klʌks ˈklæn, ˌkjuː-/), commonly shortened to the KKK or the Klan is the name of several historical and current American white supremacist, far right-wing terrorist, and hate groups.  Their primary targets are African Americans, Hispanics, Jews, Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and Catholics, as well as immigrants, leftis...

Canada M.S.P 2024 - H.I.3

CANADA ------------------------------------------------------ Canada as a country is devided & under attack Modern Separtist Group M.S.P Members do not declare publicly. Affliction with secondary groups & connecting in secret  Canadian group operating in retaliation over multiple efforts including H.I.3 Multiple international groups banding with MURDERED OUT IN BLOOD RITUALS ----------- M.S.P is a global counter terror terrorist underworld organization. White, British, Spanish based screened specifics  The underworld members can respect those with a public status quo as equals. Risks taken & respect each other's differences & similarities in a larger goals here. Blood & dollars + control for our families    Widows + Angels included with other groups amongst Corporate, Government operatives on the inside & families working together in secret through main representatives as to not frighten between connecting groups in this highly trained blood ...

World War 3 - H.I.3

DECLARATION OF WAR ------------------------------- World War 3 - H.I.3  July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARATION  Declatation of war publicly officially August 1, 2023 despite the rising global tension's between 2012-2023 & prior to 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada is under attack over H.I.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The country is devided over H.I.3. Multiple counter attacks are & have been displayed including multiple casualties  Regular & new conflict versus H.I.3 related through ghost audit + corporate draft retaliation efforts -------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DESTRUCTION OF CANADA ------------------ Canada is being destroyed by multiple international groups in response & retaliation over the 2012-2023 rape-torture-terror attacks & for leaking CIG information plus pr...

New Zealand - H.I.3

DECLARING WAR AGAINST NEW ZEALAND  New Zealand - H.I.3  July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Commonwealth Nation's ----------------------- We are removing the New Zealand population of 2023 & every resident outside of New Zealand ages 0-17 & those 18-100+  This is in retaliation over the three clusters of Ontario land luring in & hooking Dr Sydney Bennett & Dr Carly Koslov up to sourced full body Havana Syndrome causing wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology to own & control as mind slaves prior to the rape-torture-terror attacks carried out between 2012-2023 New Zealand is being erased off earth  Zealand (Danish: Sjælland [ˈɕeˌlænˀ]) at 7,031 km2 is the largest and most populous island in Denmark proper (thus excluding Greenland and Disko Island, which are larger in size). Zealand had a population of 2,319,705 on 1 Janu...

Non-Whites at H.I.3

WORLD WAR 3 - JULY 30, 2023 Non-Whites at H.I.3 ------------------------------------- M.S.P. Modern Separatist Group. PLQ ----------- A modern advanced twist on an international scale. Multiple demographics yet pro-White European & Spanish European  QUEBEC SOVEREIGNISTS  The Quebec sovereignty movement (French: mouvement souverainiste du Québec) is a political movement whose objective is to achieve the independence of Quebec from Canada. Sovereignists suggest that the people of Quebec make use of their right to self-determination – a principle that includes the possibility of choosing between integration with a third state, political association with another state or independence – so that Québécois, collectively and by democratic means, give themselves a sovereign state with its own independent constitution. PLQ The Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) was a militant Quebec separatist group w...

US Gov + Third Party source - H.I.3

SOURCE OF NEURO-TECH DEVICES USED  US Gov + Third Party source - H.I.3 July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADIAN BASED NEURO-TECH LABS  The responsible labs operating in Ontario Canada obtained the full body Havana Syndrome causing wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology from a US source  The equipment was ordered, delivered & assembled then unsuspecting children, teenager's & adults were lured in for something else & hooked up then sent on their way only to find out over a year later unable to trace steps back in memory & responsible interests may or may not have moved the devices used US Government & third party private sector interests ate responsible yet that does not mean everyone in the US Government is in agreement just like outside of Government  -------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS CREATED A DEVIDE IN USA  There's a lot of good re...

Canadian Interests

H.I.3 CASE --------------------------------------------------- Canadian Interests  July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Every person & group + company, organization alongside area of Government & bank are traced  Disclosed & undisclosed  CANADIAN PROVINCES RELEVANT ------------- British Columbia  Alberta Saskatchewan  Manitoba  Ontario  Quebec  New Brunswick  Nova Scotia  P.E.I  Where the body of Dr Sydney Bennett was between 1985-2023 on Canadian soil at different times -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rothschild - Bennett 

Palm Springs. California, USA

H.I.3 CASE Palm Springs. California, USA July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- If the Palm Springs & California State Government along with United States Federal Government feels they are in the right for operating with the three clusters of Ontario labs between September 2022-November 2022 while Dr Sydney Bennett was there for something else sabotaging Dr Sydney Bennett plans & trip then we will review in court between legal representation internationally Incidents sometimes happen & have to be legally addressed  Rothschild - Bennett  US STATES RELEVANT ---------------------------------- Montana. Massachusetts. Texas. Colorado. Nevada. Utah. Oregon. Florida.  California. New York. North Carolina.  Arizona. Vermont. Where the body of Dr Sydney Bennett was between 1985-2023 on US soil at different times -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rothschild - Bennett 

Facebook. Zuckerberg

META FACEBOOK VERSUS MARK ZUCKERBERG July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The nick name "Zucks" on some walking heart attacks yet a man If Facebook made made takes its an investment & Mark sure yes with wife Priscilla connected are well, just two people. Sometimes companies make mistakes with or without the knowledge of everyone involved & that that has that has to be legally addressed in unless in less than fortune circumstances Mark, regardless of who he was & is connected to globally is not invested in less than slavery, wireless enslavement or revoking people's rights, privacy or control over their bodies through neurological technology as as it does not align with his natural morals, values or approach in his reforms he already has taken though successes in his respected life Not one person involved & connected to the H.I.3 Case can even try to pull in & set up or use Mr Zuckerberg as we will...

Global Slaughter

PETER ROTHSCHILD - TIM KOSLOV-SUMNER Global Slaughter. July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- In response & retaliation over H.I.3  Just over 10 million people loose their lives over the rape-torture-terror & efforts to leak information from Canadian based neurological-technology labs  Efforts taken between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023  IF ANYONE WANTS TO INTERVENE ------------- Contact local Police. Have them read the 11-25 hours + blogger pages with assigned teams & experts that already read connecting  International media - available  International courts - available  Responsible neuro-tech labs caught - available  Cypress International Biotechnology Montreal with recorded evidence collected between 1990's-2023 - available Traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication - available  WE WILL REVIEW THE DECEASED IN COURT Courts & we review...

Reminder... Capabilities

ROTHSCHILD - BENNETT - SAVAGE  Reminder... Capabilities  July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- I, Nicolas R Bennett can be nice, kind, relaxed, calm & chill in general Towards different people or groups of all walks of life I get along with 95-98% of people regardless of age, race, culture, education level, vocabulary style or interests & well details like gender & whatever you do with it or sexuality if you choose to do something in a way, anyway  Everyone has their interests & style differences, simularities  I can be a demanding firm often cold cut throat & even mean midevil reactor if I have to be  Otherwise sunshines & chill  Don't prove the inner beast ------------------------- Mental stability is a crafted learned steady  Medication is not the only form of treatment  Medically speaking my free-taught additive as described in the 11-25 hours + blogger pages helps people of ...

Dr Nicolas Bennett - Choice

HEALTH & SAFE FOCUSED  Dr Nicolas Bennett - Choice  July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- More people that choose demand goes up, supply goes up & costs - price goes down  Products Live clean branded organic natural shampoo, conditioner, & body wash soap Electric razor Electric water flooser Electric tooth brush Disposable options are bad for the environment. Re-usable is the only way  All natural organic facial wash, moisturizer All natural deodorants only Specific on activity specific clothing, accessories & footwear with textiles & dies plus source & designers - branding All natural ethical organic naturals only Food & drink plus all consumed items including ice cream or gallato Health focused & environmentally sustainable  All owned assets & consumable items  Pharmaceutical - health & dental items included  Beligian Coca - Chocolates Upscale natura...

Spain + Citizenship

CITIZENSHIP  Spain + Citizenship. July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottle of wine & a Yatch or beach + poolside work some art, literature & relaxing environment  Some people like action. An excursion for recreational power sports, alps or to hike on holiday sure otherwise  Bottle of wine & a Yatch or beach + poolside work some art, literature & relaxing environment  Maybe an event, live entertainment & relaxation as stated  Chill, safe, relaxing social & physical environments  Dr Nicolas R Bennett. Syd Some people have their interests. Ages 0-17, 18-100+. I don't have theirs. I have mine separately. My daughter Madison aligns work mine quite well in a yunger 18 year old package, female model like to my 38 year old frame  - Syd -------------------------------------------------------------------- SPAIN The process to becoming a Spain, Spanish citizen  RESIDENCY  The main...

Long-term Decisions - R Bennett

GREATER TORONTO AREA --------------------------- Long-term Decisions - R Bennett  July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH AMERICA + AUSTRALIA  Rod & Marie Savage Bennett Son Jordan Bennett with wife Amy Toms & three children  Remaining in Greater Toronto area long-term 2023-2040 / 2024+  Amy Toms family: Carleton Place & Ottawa  Karen (Toms family) outside of Victoria British Columbia  Jordans family & extended spread across Canada mainly, parts of USA & Australia  EUROPEAN  Extended European family connected to Dr Nicolas R Bennett (Syd) Nicolas is going to be living in the Mediterranean permanently as per plans due to the June 1, 2023 deal & lack of North American negotiations over H.I.3 Nicolas joins daughter Madison August 2023 in her 18th year going on age 38 September 1 DOCUMENTARY - NEWS ------------------------------- Passive Aggressive People

Yatch Purchase 2023-2024

BOATS BOATS BOATS Yatch Purchase 2023-2024  July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- While our group owns a Sailing Yatch & some marine, aviation & motorcycle plus recreational power sports options plus arts, decor & specifics outside of CIG investments on a personal level  We rent some assets out for use when we do not use to justify keeping costs efficient  Now with a new Yatch for self to add to our collective collection in my personal portfolio I want environmentally friendly with a James Bond effect then a pool - hot tub on board with different amenities as its a house on the ocean plus a jet wake boat  I am shopping options in the $20-35 Million Euro range as it is part of the equation separate from my residence as I have to stay at residence & specific areas or events for projects & careful travel with security while many can just go anywhere & do whatever  I am confined more so due to safe...

Toyota + Lexus 2023

WHAT WE WANT  Toyota + Lexus 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Request for Toyota to remain relevant  1. SPORT UTILITY - LUXURY  A Mercedes Maybach 650 Lexus SUV equivalent that can tow 10,000 lbs in solid solid state EV safe 800-1000 mile range   Same design small - medium - larger sizing  High performance all EV equivalent  Price equivalent 45,000 60,000 80,000 US-Canada (2023 market fee for vehicles) 2. MID SIZED TRUCK  A Tacoma 2024 TRD Pro build SUV equivalent that can tow 10,000 lbs in solid solid state EV safe 800-1000 mile range   High performance all EV equivalent  Same design different off-road builds  Price equivalent 35,000 50,000 65,000 US-Canada (2023 market fee for vehicles) 3. LARGE TRUCK  A Tundra 2024 TRD Pro build SUV equivalent that can tow 10,000 lbs in solid solid state EV safe 800-1000 mile range   High performance all EV equivalent  Same design ...

Wealth Division - Dr Sydney Bennett

WEALTH EARNED & DECISION Investments & careers + life  Savage - Bennett - Toms & Extended  Heirarchy ---------------------------------------------------- Nic R Bennett - $17 US Billion + CIG  Rose Savage Bennett - $19 Million  Jordan Bennett - $11 Million + growing Karen (Toms family) - $5 Million at retirement  Rod Bennett - $3 Million at retirement  The others --------------------------------------------------- Under $2 Million between $50,000-$2 Million US or Canadian dollars net worth or less DOCUMENTARY - NEWS ------------------------------- Vanderbilt - Rothschild + Cooper -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rothschild - Bennett 

Jordan. The geek nerdo slob

METICULOUS VERSUS SLOB Dr Nicolas. James Joseph Savage R Bennett  July 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's be honest here... Jordy, Jordan, the JorDan a slob like his gran nanny Mabel Ethel in natural habit nature unlike sibling Nic the meticulous, detail oriented uptight specific demanding upscale counter part of a different style, personality & approach  Jordan learned to be good in business & with numbers our of no choice to survive & socially just as an introvert analytical rigid bold type unlike Nic the chill, relaxed, outgoing,  kind yet firm & demanding specific sibling of an older perspective 18 months Jordans senior with more experience at a younger age since teen years in different ways or similar  Facts Jordan did not know what to do at age 15 after his femur injury & prosthetic hip replacement so Nic suggested a business career focus due to interest in music & RC Hobbie stores  J...

Life in Canada

REQUIREMENTS --------------------------☆------------- Life in Canada July 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA AS A COUNTRY ----------------------------- You have to have basic education & basic communication skills then to be competitive socially & economically your looking at learning mid to advanced communication options & education at College & University level along with industry spec training then living lifestyle training on performing residential interior - exterior maintenance plus personal hygiene plus first aid basics at the minimum just to obtain an entry level job & begin living as an adult  Further requirements: Learn how to learn  Learn patients Grades 1-12 minimum  English language proficiency  - Written, spoken & typed or texted  Learn how to research & learn sentence structure, paragraph structure,  grammar & spelling plus how to cite sources in research  ...